What exactly does ‘Constitutional’ acupuncture mean? The main idea is that each person has a specific constitution, which determines the body’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. The acupuncturist tailors his treatment to the constitutional category that the patient falls under. Once the acupuncturist knows the constitution, he also knows the patterns of symptoms for that constitution, and to which treatment the patient will respond best. This makes the treatment pre-set and simple.
Rather than having to deal with thousands of different diseases, the constitutional acupuncturist can cure all kinds of illness with one combination of treatment, diet, and herbs. This is possible because each constitution has weaknesses in different, specific sections of the natnun circuit. Though a multitude of diseases could come out of those weak points, a healthy natnun circuit can effectively combat them. The old saying, that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, holds true. Therefore, it is important to find a constitutional acupuncturist who can find and restore the weakest link in the 14 meridian system. The result will be a whole body system that is healthier, stronger and more efficient.